[Photo Message] From Amanda.G, China

Dear Estella, 

Hi. This is Amanda (my english name, for short) from China and I am 32 years old now. I came to know you long time ago, since you did "we got married". You have great nature in the show and I like you ever since. Well, the way you acted and the way you live gave me great impression. I looked for you in the internet and I found there are a lot of other fans also love you. 

You show the great hope for work, within life and for the future. You are a great woman and strong to face anything and yet you are also the icon for the fashion world. So I tried to listen to some of your music. I like "mature" and "get hot" and your dance. 

In short, you are a great friend. I can really tell that from the way you laugh. What you have done for the charity is so nice and people all around you feel the happiness. I am not gonna judge any more the other life. And I hope you enjoy the life all the time. I've been to Seoul several times, what a pity, I could not find your shop. As your loyal fan, I will do that with next chance. 

As most of the people have hoped, please let me know you are to marry soon and you are living with the most beloved guy that we have expected with the drama. Wherever the letter goes, just keep my wishes and hope one day, I could join you with the charity. Yours lovely, Amanda.